JAVA Server

MikeM zlists at
Tue Mar 8 08:59:02 PST 2005

On 3/8/2005 at 10:06 AM Grant Peel wrote:

|Hello all,
|I have a number of simple FreeBSD Hosting boxes running FBSD 4.x and have 
|had a request to add a Java Server to one of them.
|I am not experienced with JAVA at all.
|My Boxes run simple Apache 1.3.36, EXim, ProFTP vmpop3d, and are tuned and

|running well.
|I am looking for advise on what JAVA server to consider installing. SImple

|to install would be good, Low overhead would be better, and seamless 
|operation with Apache would be perfect.

Place to start:

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