login.conf limits

scuba at centroin.com.br scuba at centroin.com.br
Sun Jun 12 18:18:31 GMT 2005


	What is shown in the logs? Why the connection failed?
	Show the passwd entry for that user, or any other info the help

- Marcelo Souza

On Sat, 11 Jun 2005, Kövesdán Gábor wrote:

|I've done a new class "shuser" with some limits, rebuild the cap
|database and made a new user "tester" with adduser. When it asked for
|the login class, I specified shuser, and tried to login with ssh, but it
|failed. My shuser class:
|        :passwd_format=md5:\
|        #:passwordtime=90d:\
|        #:idletime=30m:\
|        #:login-retries=3:\
|        #:sessionlimit=1:\
|        :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
|        :welcome=/etc/motd:\
|        :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K,FTP_PASSIVE_MODE=YES:\
|        :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin
|/usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin ~/bin:\
|        #:lang=hu_HU.ISO8859-2:\
|        #:charset=iso-8859-2:\
|        #:ftp-chroot=true:\
|        :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
|        :cputime=unlimited:\
|        :datasize=unlimited:\
|        :stacksize=unlimited:\
|        #:memorylocked=15m:\
|        #:memoryuse=10m:\
|        :filesize=unlimited:\
|        #:coredumpsize=5m:\
|        #:openfiles=3:\
|        #:maxproc=3:\
|        #:sbsize=512k:\
|        #:vmemoryuse=5m:\
|        :priority=0:\
|        :ignoretime@:\
|        :umask=027:
|After the first try I inserted those hashmarks before the modified
|lines, but it still doesn't work. Did I make something wrong?
|Gábor Kövesdán
|scuba at centroin.com.br wrote:
|>	After doing the modfications on login.conf, run:
|>	# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
|>	Define the class for each user in passwd, using vipw. The class is
|>the 5th field, in this example the class was defined as "limiteduser":
|>zoruega:$1$50258.20$DdcXReDR/lhZI/1CjjEEd0:102:201:limiteduser:0:0:Zoruega Linfo,,,,X:/nonexistent:/bin/sh

- Marcelo

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