JDK 1.5 and 5.3

Erik Norgaard norgaard at locolomo.org
Mon Jan 24 11:18:22 PST 2005

Andrew Hall wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a few questions about jdk and 5.3.
> 1. If one does a src compile, it requires that the linux-sun-jdk to be 
> installed to bootstrap the compile of native jdk.
> Why would freebsd not use a binary version of it's own native jdk to 
> bootstrap itself?  If that's not feasible, then why would the jdk port 
> not immediately remove all the linux crap that it installs if its not 
> needed?  If something is only temporary, then it should be removed 
> immediately after use right :)?

1) I think you are touching into the licence discussion that appeared 
recently. 2) yes you can deinstall the linux binaries.

New question: Can one upgrade jdk without installing the linux binaries 

Cheers, Erik

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