KPDF and KGhostView errors
list-freebsd-2004 at
Mon Jan 17 20:03:32 PST 2005
On Tuesday 18 January 2005 03:46, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> I'm getting an error when trying to view PDFs with these applications:
> ghostscript: unknown device x11
> I have ghostscript version 7.07 installed and was able to view PDFs as
> recently as a few days ago. Acrobat Reader won't even start now, so I
> don't know if these are related.
> I've been upgrading my ports daily, so it might be due to a recent
> upgrade. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I got this error once because I had a ghostscript nox port installed.
Actually, I think I had two versions simultaneously, one of which was a nox
version (not sure how that happened). Anyway I deinstalled the offending
version and fixed the depedencies, (I may also have forced a rebuild) and it
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