Hyperthreading hurts 5.3?

Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jan 13 11:52:12 PST 2005

Andrea Venturoli writes:

AV> Not exactly the same algorithm and on different set of data.

But similar machine instructions, perhaps?

AV> Yes.

Just the contention for the FPU alone might have had the effect of
single-threading the workload.  That plus the SMP overhead might give
you a zero or negative gain with HT.

AV> In the past.
AV> Nowadays they have some sort of protection.

Unfortunately, AMD lost my business when the first processor nearly
burst into flames.  I try not to make the same mistake twice.  And I've
seen examples of AMD processors that _have_ burst into flames, so why
take a chance?

For me the weakest parts of any machine are the fans and the disk
drives, because they have to move.


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