Supermicro Hardware and FreeBSD

Tm4528 at Tm4528 at
Wed Jan 5 10:06:46 PST 2005

In a message dated 1/5/05 12:23:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, chris at 
>> Everyone tell me to use LINUX. Now I know why. You support
>> bad slow version and not good one. Very stupid people.

>FreeBSD is more organized and managed more professionally compared to many 
>of the Linux distrubtion organizations.  That is why anyone will tell you to 
use >anything except $THAT.
>The FreeBSD development seems slow compared to Linux development for 
>numberous of reasons.  I cannot and will not name them except for one.  We go >for 
quality...not bleeding edge (I did that first!..but it's broken after few days).
>Everyone in the world is perfect smart human exists. :)
Do you really believe that Chris? Its not about being "slow". Its about 
everyone being
focused on the "new" version while ignoring needs for the only version 
suitable for 
production. It would be fine that 5.x is taking way longer than expected, and 
the performance is well below what was promised, if 4.x was being supported as
the mainstream version. 

The truth is that if someone in the linux camp needed a MB they'd call 
or Dell and get one the next day. Apparently FreeBSD doesn't have that kind 
of pull.
If the FreeBSD foundation doesnt have $250. to support a mainstream chipset 
by the world's 2  largest manufacturers, or you don't have a corporate 
sponsor with a 
single Dell machine to loan for a few days, then it says something about your 
"organization", or lack thereof.

Linux also doesnt do a major release until its arguably better than the 
version. Another lesson that the FreeBSD camp could well learn from. You do
your tweaking in the confines of your labs, not at the expense of your 

"Stupid" is a choice. Its easily correctable if you ever get out of your state
of denial and stop acting like a bunch of overaged college kids.Come to tems
with the fact the 5.x is a year away and don't leave the base thats gotten 
to where you are in the lurch.


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