my lame attempt at a shell script...

Timothy Luoma lists at
Mon Jan 3 13:55:29 PST 2005

On Jan 3, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Erik Norgaard wrote:

> Eric F Crist wrote:
>> elif [ "$grog_firewall_enable" <> "YES" or "NO" ]
>> then
>>         echo "Syntax error in /etc/rc.conf file. grog_firewall_enable 
>> must be YES or NO"
>> fi
> I don't know if you're on 5.x, nor whether you use ipfw, ipfilter or 
> pf - I wrote a replacement for ipfilter as I got dizzy trying to 
> maintain a  too long ruleset so I wanted to split it into multiple 
> files.
> On 5.x things get a lot simpler. In /etc/rc.d there are plenty of 
> scripts to look at - don't look at rc.firewall.

[lots of good info snipped]

> Finally, don't use bash, use /bin/sh and nothing else, you don't know 
> if bash is available when your script run.
> Regarding your script, which I got deleted from this mail (sorry), I 
> think there is an error:
> > if [ "$grog_firewall_enable" = "YES" ]
> this "=" is assignment and will always evaulate to true. You want
> if [ "$grog_firewall_enable" -eq "YES" ]
> I'm not sure if "==" works, but always be careful you're not using 
> asignment in if-statements.

either "-eq" or "=" will work in /bin/sh scripts.  Assignment is done 
like this


so you have to be careful about quotes and spacing.  (Learning PHP was 
hard because there you DO have to use == and not =

Eric - see 'man test' for the proper ways to do greater-than, 
less-than, greater-or-equal, etc in sh


ps - re: this quote:

On Jan 3, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Erik Norgaard wrote:

> rc.subr also contains a "checkyesno" function answering your question 
> above - however, it is normal to check "[Yy][Ee][Ss]" and treat 
> everything else as a no. After all, what are you gonna do if you only 
> accept "yes" or "no" but some one typed "yeah right"? You must have a 
> default action.

Yeah, I had a Comp. Sci professor who always typed his name in whenever 
we wrote a program that asked for user input, so if you were expecting 
a Y|y|n|N and got "cupper" he wanted to know what you planned to do 
with that.

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