logging proftpd question

David Banning david+dated+1109532666.8c4c1b at skytracker.ca
Tue Feb 22 19:31:11 GMT 2005

> I believe the syntax you want is
> ftp.*			/var/log/proftpd.log
> Make sure the logfile exists (and is writable),
> otherwise I think syslog will complain.

Thanks, fellow Torontonian, for your reply. 

I tried your suggestion previous to my posting, with no result.

Now, could something in the;

I tried your suggestion previous to my posting, with no result.  I
also did a "touch /var/log/proftpd.log" and "chmod 600

The line;

*.notice;kern.debug;lpr.info;mail.crit;news.err /var/log/messages

is what is grabbing the messages I want to redirect. (I beleive *.notice)

I just wonder if the line I just mention takes the log entry, if another
can still take it. Can a log entry only be logged once? Or can you have
it go to multiply files? (via multiple syslog.conf entries)

It sure would be easier if in the log entry it said "ftp.notice" or
some such thing so you -know- how it is being directed.

I have tried running syslog with -d and -vv and there seems to be no
indication what the facility name that is used.


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