Partial web page loading

Scott Stevenson scott at
Tue Feb 22 18:31:43 GMT 2005

On Feb 22, 2005, at 9:56 AM, Scott Stevenson wrote:

> I've done a bunch of research and testing on this, and received a 
> follow-up email from one of the people that originally reported the 
> problem (attached below, sorry about the length).
> I've determined that the files on the server are completely intact and 
> don't appear to have any stray control characters embedded in them. 
> I've considered the possibility that this is a PHP bug, but that 
> doesn't explain the issues with image downloads or the CSS file. It 
> appears the outgoing data is actually getting munged. The problem even 
> occurs just using wget. I haven't been able to personally recreate 
> this, but he can every time.
> This sure looks a lot like something's overwriting memory in place 
> where it shouldn't.
> Any ideas? Should I post this to the bug list?

Also, here are the relevant lines from pf.conf. I want to avoid sending 
the complete file. As mentioned in my last post, the person who sent 
the original complaint is unable to reach the site at all from behind 
his Linux-based router.

	pass  in  quick on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 53
	pass  in  quick on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 80
	pass  out on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } all keep state

	# pass incoming ports for ftp-proxy
	pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if user proxy keep 

Does this all look reasonable? I did a lot of reading but I'm still 
pretty new to pf.

Thanks again,

    - Scott

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