Instead of, why not...

Anthony Atkielski atkielski.anthony at
Sun Feb 13 20:22:06 GMT 2005

Simon Burke writes:

> I use photshop on IRIX i mean, and you can use gimp too, is what i meant.

According to Adobe, Photoshop exists only for the Mac and Windows.  Of
course, Mac OS X is based on UNIX, but since it has a proprietary GUI, I
don't think that would help much (?).

GIMP is not an option, because it's a different application.

> You can get photoshop for unix, mainly IRIX but you can.

I have the Adobe site in front of me right now, and all I see is Mac and

> If this is your attitude why are you even using BSD, why not use MS
> server and XP?

I do use XP, on my desktop.  I use FreeBSD as my server.  The right
tools for the right jobs.

> There is quite probably a open sourced eqiv.

SFS is already free.  I don't know if source is available.  In any case,
I don't have the time to build my own software.

> WINE is not an emulator ...

I'm afraid it is.  It has to intercept and emulate the Windows API
(which is a very extensive and complex API).

In any case, it's all completely unnecessary, since you can simply run
real Windows instead and get 100% compatibility with better performance
and stability.

> Why?

Because I run specific applications for specific purposes.  The
applications are what's important; the OS is not.  So if I decide that I
need Photoshop, I run an OS that supports Photoshop.  Simple.

> ... you now seem to be contradicting your self, why dont you just use
> windows then?

I do, on the desktop.  I use FreeBSD as a server.

>  you'll obviously be much happier

I am.  People who make a religion out of an OS are always unhappy; I
don't do that, so I don't suffer.

> I would really get your facts straight before you say things, it makes
> you look ignorant. People use operating systems that suit there needs,
> not to be geeky, not to look down on other people.

Someone who runs WINE on UNIX just to avoided the Great Satan of Redmond
is not using an operating system that suits his needs, he's using an
operating system that appeals to his emotions.

It's true that most people don't do this, because most people have a
life outside of computerland.

> Windows is fine if all you want to do is point and click at things.

There are hundreds of thousands of applications that run on Windows;
something for just about everyone.

The point-and-click interface is common to practically all GUIs.  It is
suitable for some applications, but not suitable for others.

> EG, dreamweaver, its a very point click piece fo software, you dont
> have to know any web language to get a fairly decent web-site out, and
> that is not really a good thing.

Professional webmasters generally build their sites with text editors.

> Where as if you have more knowledge then you would prefer to be able
> to have more control and input to the final prdouct where with most M$
> apps you dont.

If you want control and input, you use Notepad to build your site, or
the equivalent.

> If you are implying that it is useless using open operating systems
> (which it appears you are) then why are you on the mailing list.

I'm not implying anything of the kind.  I've pointed out on endless
occasions that FreeBSD makes an excellent server.  That's why I run it.

> Excuse me? are you saying the system developers just play around with
> OS'es.

Yes ... that's what "system developer" usually means.  As opposed to
"application developer."

> I dont think i'd get paid £30,000 a year to play around ...

Most system developers wouldn't; the job usually pays better than that.

> ... I create systems for a sucsessful solutions company and are used
> in a lot fo smaller companies who cant afford the extortionate prices
> of M$. S please stop being so ignorant.

So you're an application developer.  Quite a different animal.


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