Please don't change Beastie to another crap logo such asNetBSD!!!

Frank Laszlo laszlof at
Fri Feb 11 05:27:52 PST 2005

Oliver Leitner wrote:

>alot of discussions going on the past 48 hours about this topic, i guess 
>there is alot of room for explanations left, that ppls want to hear, why not 
>give the ppls that actually stand behind FreeBSD and behind the logo contest 
>or whatever it is a chance to tell us what they where thinking about when 
>they started the contest?
>also id like to know, *is* FreeBSD now coperate, like the previous poster 
>tried to point out, or do we still have the bsd license here?

I wasnt really trying to make the point, but it does almost seem that 
way. I guess I'm not using the right words. "More exposure to the 
corporate world."  Maybe thats a little better.

Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
Email:  laszlof at
Mobile: 248-863-7584

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