
Loren M. Lang lorenl at alzatex.com
Tue Feb 8 21:32:45 PST 2005

On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 11:43:32AM +0100, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
> Mike Hauber writes:
> MH> But that's different in that it was never released to a public forum
> MH> in the first place (explicitly or otherwise).
> I'm not sure what you mean by "public forum."  A server accessible from
> the Internet without any special authorization mechanism is about as
> public as anything can get, particularly if there is something else
> linking to it that allows spiders to find it.
> There is a distinction, however, when someone must take a positive,
> explicit step to join a forum, such as selecting a userid and password,
> or submitting a subscription request to a mailing list, and so on.  In
> that case, the forum is no longer public, and the person
> joining it may reasonably suppose that its contents will not be
> public either.
> If a band sets up shop on a street and starts to play music, they may
> reasonably suppose that anyone might record the music, and there isn't
> anything they can do about that.  However, if they give a concert in a
> venue to which access is controlled in some way (such as through the
> sale of tickets), they can reasonably suppose that their performance
> cannot be recorded.
> MH> Or is what you're referring to specific to Google's caching
> MH> system?
> Personally I consider the caching to be an infringement, albeit usually
> not a grave one.  Just linking to pages does not appear to be any kind
> of infringement to me, particularly since Google respects site
> instructions not to index certain pages or sites (robot exclusion
> rules).

What if I wanted to put up a page of emails that I wrote and sent to,
say, the freebsd questions mailing list.  Since they are replies to other
peoples emails, it includes bits of what they wrote, but it may be
relavent to understanding my reply.  Now, of course I'll remove all
headers and mangle all email addresses, but, since it includes their
ideas, can I still post it on a website for others to read who may be
having the same problems?

> -- 
> Anthony
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I sense much NT in you.
NT leads to Bluescreen.
Bluescreen leads to downtime.
Downtime leads to suffering.
NT is the path to the darkside.
Powerful Unix is.

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