make release

Kövesdán Gábor gabor.kovesdan at
Fri Apr 15 07:49:10 PDT 2005

Hello there,

I'm about to build a whole FreeBSD system with optimized code for my own 
purposes. I've read this document:

According this I should make a CVS mirror and follow the steps that the 
documention mentions. It would be awful to make a whole CVS mirror, 
since I would like to build only a 5-STABLE distribution. There is an 
example, that is highly determined by this approach with cvs mirroring, 
thus it isn't entirely useful for me, because I'd like to avoid mucking 
with cvs. If somebody knows how to make full release isos from a simple 
"cvsupped" source tree, please let me know.


Gábor Kövesdán

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