Router take advantage of device polling

T. Srikanth kantsg at
Thu May 27 03:26:08 PDT 2004

Yes, there is. At a certain level of traffic, network interrupts
happen all too often to justify the processing overhead associated
with the interrupt service routines, and hence the network activity
is best polled. Is 15Mbps the level for enabling polling? Well,
this traffic level depends on the underlying hardware capabilities
as well. You decide.

Jeffrey Lyon wrote:

I am currently running a router pushing about 15 megabit of traffic,

with CPU usage like so:

root     25  5.9  0.0     0   12  ??  WL   10:16AM  47:49.70  (irq7: bge0 amr0)
root     14  5.9  0.0     0   12  ??  WL   10:16AM  55:15.63  (swi1: net)
root     26  3.0  0.0     0   12  ??  LL   10:16AM  28:42.81  (irq5: bge1)

I am told that activating the device_polling kernel option will cause a 
substantial reduction in this usage. Is there any truth to that statement?


Jeffrey Lyon, Independent Associate
jeffreylyon at <>
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.

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