divert rule...

David Fuchs david at davidfuchs.ca
Thu Jun 24 12:06:20 PDT 2004

Andrzej Kwiatkowski wrote:

> Is it possible to use fwd rule instead of divert ??
> For example
> 00100 fwd 8668 ip from any to any
> instead of
> 00100 divert 8668 ip from any to any

No.  NATd was made to be used with divert sockets.  Divert are made to 
work directly with FreeBSD's packet filter (and ipfw(8)), and can stop 
data from propagating throught the IP stack, they can be used to 
modify/inject packets etc.  Forwarding simply passes a copy of the 
packet to an IP/Port, at which point it's life pretty much ends.

-David Fuchs BCIS (david at davidfuchs.ca)

  WWW:  http://www.davidfuchs.ca/
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