Large window causes monitor to degauss/reset!!

Michal Pasternak michal at
Sat Jun 5 09:21:35 PDT 2004

Jacob Rhoden [Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 01:24:47AM +0000]:
> I have been using freebsd for quite some time now, I have come across
> a machine with a 19" viewmaster, whereby if you open a window
> bigger than about 500x500 pixels, the monitor resets and degausses
> every 8 seconds until you close the window. Has anyone had this
> happen to them?

Hardware error or X misconfigured. Try to lower resolution / refresh rate
and see if problem persists. Try another video card. If degausing occurs at
the lowest supported resolution and refresh rate, this is clearly hardware
issue. Examine, if degausing depends on the background color of the window
(try black, white, red, green, blue). 
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