Postfix Help Please!

Jorn Argelo jorn at
Wed Jun 2 04:28:56 PDT 2004


I'm running 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8, so I'm not sure my comments apply to 4.10.

bryan cassidy wrote:

>Hello. Running FreeBSD 4.10. I am using Mutt as my MUA
>and want to use Postfix as my MTA. I have the
>following in my /etc/rc.conf (This is everything
>related to my network settings)
>ifconfig_xl0="inet my.ip.address netmask
>pccard_ifconfig="inet my.ip.address netmask
I only have the above line regarding to sendmail (Though I'm not sure if 
it is important or not. I just keep it in there since it's working). 
Remember, the sendmail executable is replaced during the postfix 
installation. You will NEED sendmail executable to maintain 
compatibility with other programs. If you check out the man page of 
sendmail, you'll see this:

       sendmail - Postfix to Sendmail compatibility interface

So you might want to consider to remove the above lines.

>In /etc/periodic.conf
5.2.1. doesn't have the /etc/periodic.conf file, (at least, I don't have 
it, so I assume that it has changed) but you might want to consider to 
enable that.

I have no experience with PPP or PPPoE at all, so I'm afraid I can't 
help you with that.

I hope this helps you a bit.


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