X servers

Roop Nanuwa roop.nanuwa at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 16:40:07 PDT 2004

On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 17:42:56 -0500, Vulpes Velox <v.velox at vvelox.net> wrote:
> LOL, really fewer features than Windows 98 GDI? Did Windows 98
> recently become network extensible and no one has told me? After a
> quick look at what Windows 98's GDI does, I really do not see how
> XFree86 fails to measure up to it.

Exactly, you're comparing it to Win98 and saying "Yeah, we can do that
too!" Problem is the rest of the world (OS X, Windows > 98) have moved
on in what end-user features they provide. Network extensibility is a valid
point but I was referring to things like window compositing and other
eye candy features.


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