X servers

Vulpes Velox v.velox at vvelox.net
Thu Jul 8 21:30:48 PDT 2004

On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 02:01:21 -0700
Jammet <jammet at swbell.net> wrote:

> What is the differnce really between x.org and xfree86 and all the
> others? I know there are 3 or 4 differnt servers atleast, what are
> the advantages and disavantages to each and so on?

The only difference is that Xorg includes a few fixes to some chipsets
that happened before the licensesing change of XFree86. So some things
work slightly better.

Ohh! there are also drivers changes to in how they are setup... mainly
in regards to tablets... Xorg does not have things like ACECAD
integrated into the mouse driver it is still a seperate driver, like
in older versions of XFree86.

As far as stability, speed, and ect, I have not noticed difference
between the two on the nvidia cards I have.

>From the look of things on the X11 list, XFree86 4.4 should be hitting
the ports shortly.

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