Spam Assassin?

Clint Gilders techservices at
Mon Jan 26 05:23:56 PST 2004

Here's how I have spam assassin setup on my mail server.   I installed spam assassin using 
perl's CPAN module, so I'm not sure how different it is from the ports install.

You need to have the spam assassin daemon (spamd) running.  I imagine the port installs a 
startup script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d .  If not, you can just add '/usr/bin/spamd &' to 
your /etc/rc.local

In my user's home directories I have a .forward file.   In that file is a line like (the 
quotes are part of the file):

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -Yf- || exit 75 #USERNAME"

replace USERNAME with the correct username.

I also have a .procmailrc file in the user's home directory.  It looks something like:


#This will process the mail and flag it
* < 256000

#Uncomment the section below to delete spam on the server.
#* ^X-Spam-Flag: Yes

#other procmail rules go here

Again, replace USERNAME with the correct username.

With that default setup, users will receive spam, but it will flagged in the headers and 
have a blurb at the beginning which they can use to create filters in their mail client. 
  I delete spam right on the server in my accounts.

You'll also have a procmailrc file in /usr/local/etc/ that you can put global (server 
wide) mail processing rules in.

Once spam assassin is functioning on a user's account there will be a .spamassassin folder 
in the home dir.  You can use the .spamassassin/user_prefs file to fine tune their spam 
assassin if need be.

Hope this helps.
Clint Gilders <techservices at>
Director of Technology Services, Inc.

Eric F Crist wrote:
> Ok folks,
> I'm very, very overwhelmed here.  I think it comes from trying to setup too 
> many things at once.  I have sendmail running (from base install).  I need to 
> get SpamAssassin and Procmail working, with users having the ability to 
> opt-out of the spam filtering.  I mainly offer POP3 mail access (via qpopper) 
> and I'm thinking of adding in Squirrelmail support with IMAP.  I have a 
> working mail/pop server and everything is fine there.  The spam assassin port 
> and procmail ports have been through a make install clean and I haven't the 
> foggiest idea on how to get the two of them working together with sendmail.  
> Please help.

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