isc-dhcpd weird effect

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Thu Jan 1 17:13:41 PST 2004

Pierrick Brossin <pbrossin at> writes:

> I have a DHCP server at home (isc-dhcpd) and I've been wondering for a
> long time why it is giving the last IP addresses of the specified
> range at first?
> Like I tell him a range from to and it's giving 100
> then 99,98,97 and so on. Why not directly 50 then 51,52,53,... ??
> Should be someone who knows :)

It's an artifact of the way the data structures get initialized at the
daemon startup.  I don't see any problem with it...

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area: 
		resume/CV at
		username/password "public"

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