quick mozilla question

Uwe Doering gemini at geminix.org
Fri Feb 20 14:28:09 PST 2004

Chris Meyers wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-02-20 at 10:29, jr315 wrote:
>>running freeBSD 5.2 release.
>>installed mozilla from packages. When I try to run I
>>get the following message:
>>sh# mozilla
>>/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libintl.so.5" not
>>/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libintl.so.5" not
>>any ideas????
> Someone here had the exact same error the other day. The problem was
> gettext had been updated, but the ports/packages that depended on it
> (pretty much everything) hadn't. So gettext updated libintl.so.5 to
> libintl.so.6 so mozilla and gvim and evolution and almost everything
> complained with the same error you are seeing.
> I'm not sure if this is your problem. Since you installed mozilla from
> packages rather than ports it may be. The package may have been built
> with the older version of gettext. A portupgrade mozilla may solve the
> problem.

The 'gettext' transition period is over by now (in the ports tree).  So 
it's basically a matter of waiting until all the binary packages have 
been rebuilt with the new 'gettext'.  Or maybe this has happened already.

When exactly did you download the Mozilla package?  If it's fresh and 
apparently not updated yet, just wait a couple of days and download 
again.  The problem will eventually go away by itself.

Uwe Doering         |  EscapeBox - Managed On-Demand UNIX Servers
gemini at geminix.org  |  http://www.escapebox.net

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