ipv6 gif0

Piotr Zurawski P.Zurawski at crowley.pl
Fri Feb 6 00:25:21 PST 2004


It looks like you're having a kernel that does not support dynamic gifs.
Send us your kernel configuration and uname -a results.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry" <bergman.jernej at siol.net>
To: <freebsd-questions at FreeBSD.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 3:24 PM
Subject: ipv6 gif0


I have a problem with setting up my IPv6 box. Scripts are ok, and gifs are
made but only one works.
The one I start first works and others dont, doesnt matter wich one is
first, but all other that follow link on the first one.
I allready had a box like this one, and everything worked perfectly (had 4
gifs with ipv6). When i reistalled (same version of freebsd, same pc) this
problem ocured.
The only thing that changed is that I used Cabel connection before (no extra
settings, just enterd IP), and now I use ADSL (PPPoE, NAT enabled). So maybe
this could be a problem ?
I'm kinda new to this system but I allready search for bugs/errors that I
could made and I didnt find anything. So now I'm writeing this email to you,
because I dont know how to fix this.
I thank you for you help/replay!

Lp, Jernej
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