apache's mod_log_sql from ports

Micah Bushouse bushous2 at msu.edu
Wed Dec 29 14:58:22 PST 2004

Dear List,

I'm trying to install mod_log_sql 1.18 so that Apache will log into
MySQL instead of a flat file, and I thought I had lucked out when I
saw /usr/ports/www/mod_log_sql!

Unfortunately, it's giving some grief. As you can tell from below, I'm
using the apache+mod_ssl and mysql41-server ports, whereas mod_log_sql
seems to prefer plain Apache and MySQL 3.23.

Is there a way to get mod_log_sql integrated with my current setup? Do I
have to edit any of the information in the ports tree entry for
mod_log_sql to reflect these newer versions Apache and MySQL? Finally,
am I better off using the generic compile/install instructions on the
mod_log_sql website?

By the way, this is on a current 4.10 machine.

Thanks in advance!

# pkg_add -r mod_log_sql
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/Latest/mod_log_sql.tgz... Done.
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/All/mysql-client-3.23.58_3.tgz... Done.
pkg_add: package 'mysql-client-3.23.58_3' conflicts with
pkg_add: please use pkg_delete first to remove conflicting package(s) or
-f to force installation
pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'mysql-client-3.23.58_3' failed!
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/All/apache-1.3.33_1.tgz... Done.
pkg_add: package 'apache-1.3.33_1' conflicts with apache+mod_ssl-1.3.33
pkg_add: please use pkg_delete first to remove conflicting package(s) or
-f to force installation
pkg_add: pkg_add of dependency 'apache-1.3.33_1' failed!

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