Wine 20041201 on FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE

Matthew Bluestone matthew.bluestone at
Tue Dec 28 21:05:57 PST 2004

(I apologize for replying to jason henson rather than the list; either
his reply-to was set individually, gmail doesn't correctly respect
reply-to (though it seems to in other cases), or I made an error.)

Some of my response to jason and his later reply are included.

> > (I didn't think that was so clear from the page.)  I applied the
> > patch, rebuilt, and installed my kernel, and I continue to get the
> > same error.
> > # patch <filename
> > and got normal-looking messages about discarding junk headers and
> > footers and applying patches in two spots.  I checked the source file
> > /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_mmap.c and found the appropriate sections updated.
> > I had also edited a custom kernel config file in preparation for
> > building a custom kernel anyway, and I did
> > # cd /usr/src
> > # make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNELNAME
> > # make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNELNAME
> > (substituting the appropriate name, of course).
> > The commands finished successfully, and I rebooted and got a
> > functioning system without a hitch.

> Looks like you did the right patch command.

> Ok, first Kris responded to the thread with "It also clearly states (in
> the followup) that the kernel patch is no longer needed."
> Sounds like what Kris was saying was you just needed to cvsup your
> ports system and not do the patch anymore.
> "The wine-mmap.patch is no longer needed since that code has been
> #ifdef'd=20 out in the wine CVS."
> So you could just rm vm_mmap.c and cvsup your source then update your
> system and kernel.  Depending on hold old your release is you should
> read UPDATING very carefully.

As I said in my original post, my ports tree was updated the day
before I tried all that (which is well after the bug is listed as
being closed).  Since I have apparently the latest port of wine and
have tried both with and without the kernel patch, I'm at a loss.  I
thought this may be an issue with common enough components that
somebody on this list might have encountered and solved the same

I figured that maybe I had misunderstood about the kernel patch no
longer being needed; maybe it was merged into CURRENT, but I'd have to
do it myself with my 5.3-RELEASE system.

Incidentally, if I should *undo* this patch (I'm not a kernel hacker;
it intuitively seems that messing with the virtual memory manager,
esp. w/ code marked "this is messy; somebody who knows what he's doing
should fix it", could be a bad idea), I'd appreciate somebody's
letting me know.

> Try emailing gerald at, he's the port maintainer for wine.

I will also email gerald directly.  Thank you.

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