My server gets kernel panic every 7th day

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Sun Dec 19 15:31:57 PST 2004

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On Sunday, 19 December 2004 at 14:44:22 -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> On  Sunday, December 19, 2004 2:38 PM, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Sunday, 19 December 2004 at 23:35:18 +0100, Daniel Johansson wrote:
>>> It can still be the PSU, don't have any other atm to try with. I'll
>>> do some more testing and see if I can get any more info.
>> There's no point looking at the hardware until you've looked at the
>> dump.
> If I may interject, why should he bother?

So he can find out what the problem is.

> Seems to me his next step should be setting up a new server with a
> fresh FreeBSD copy on it, duplicating the 3 jails, then firing off
> the 4 periodics and seeing if that blows up.

This would take a lot of time and money.  And if it blows up, it
doesn't buy him anything: he still has to find the cause of the
problem.  If it doesn't blow up, he doesn't know whether it's going to
stay that way or maybe reappear in a while when the constellations are
right.  Why should he want to do that?

> If so that is enough info to file a bug report, and he can then
> simply adjust his script so that the periodics aren't all run at the
> same time.

This is a *VERY* bad idea.  If there's a bug, you should fix it, not
hide it.  Working around it is the Microsoft Way, and hidden bugs
often come back to bite you.

> If someone else wants to spend the time researching this - like YOU
> for example - then great.

Why should I want to do it?

> From the Project's point of view, his problems aren't interesting
> unless they can be reproduced - and from his point of view all he
> wants to do is fix the problem - and he now knows how to do it.
> (run the periodic weekly at different times)

Hiding a problem doesn't fix it.

> Grubbing around in a dump traceback does not prove that a problem is
> reproducible.

He's already proved that the problem is reproducible.

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