Wheel Mouse in 5.3 STABLE

Dan Kilbourne bsd-lists at netophilia.net
Thu Dec 16 08:16:51 PST 2004

Ronnie Clark extolled:
> So, does it matter where my xorg.conf.new file is at?
> Mine is in the /root directory, which is where it was
> originally configured. Is there another conf file I
> need to edit? again, I'm stuck on this one. 
> If this is not enough about the problem, please feel
> free to ask me questions, as I would love to solve
> this today.
> Thanks again,
> Ron Clark

Standard location is /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Or, following the instructions printed by Xorg -config, run
Xorg -config /path/to/xorg.conf.new


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