How to configure gcc in FreeBSD 5.3

stheg olloydson stheg_olloydson at
Fri Dec 10 17:52:27 PST 2004

it was said (in one very long line):

>Is there a way to configure gcc post installation of the 5.3 release? 
>I am thinking to leverage the -cputype flag used by the compiler. 
BTW, >is there any noticeable performance gain by using the cputype
flag with >gcc? My processor is athlon-xp.


Consult /etc/share/examples/make.conf and the man page for make.conf.
Watch out for the options "-fmemoize-lookups" and "-fsaved-memoized"
because those are for gcc <3.0 and FBSD 5.3 has >3.4.
Perhaps the best option is to look through the gcc manual for
interesting things, but ask before using them because FBSD is picky.



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