[OT] VPN issues with some windows users...

Jonathan T. Sage sagejona at theatre.msu.edu
Tue Aug 17 18:50:53 PDT 2004

Eric Crist wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm sorry this is a bit off-topic, but you're the only truly
> knowledgable group I know. ;)  Some fellow users and I have been having
> some issues connecting to a Cisco VPN system with the built-in windows
> VPN software.  While successfully connected to the internet (at home,
> for example), I connect to the remote VPN.  Instantly, my internet
> connectivity seems to be lost, but I can use the VPN perfectly fine.  As
> soon as I disconnect, my internet connectivity is completely restored.
> I have a second VPN I connect to using V-One's SmartPass software, and I
> have no issues (i.e. everything works perfectly, including my 'net
> connection).
> Anyone have any ideas?

probably (although not definatally) is related to a misconfigured router 
on the cisco VPN not allowing internet traffic out.  this might be 
intentional too.  I run a very small vpn, and in order to keep 
connection times down (my user base is um....  well then) i have 
configured to not allow any traffic other than directly to the machine 
that hosts the vpn.

dunno if this helps much, but might give you a starting point.


Jonathan T. Sage
Theatrical Lighting / Set Designer
Professional Web Design

"He said he likes me, but he's not in-like with me."- Connie, King of 
the Hill

[sagejona at msu.edu]
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