not found and general ports question

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Mon Apr 5 08:23:01 PDT 2004

On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 10:53:48AM -0400, Gerry Freymann wrote:
> How does one find out what port you need to install in order to get
>  ? is provided by the devel/gettext port.  Except that at the
moment it supplies  If you hang around on this list for
longer than a week, you'll see someone asking a variant on this
question, and the answer as oft repeated is:

    # portupgrade -fr gettext

i.e. you need to recompile everything that links against

Then wait for a few months for the next release of gettext, when
chances are the ABI version will be bumped again, and the lists will
once again fill with wails of despair " not found"...
> One other question... when I do a pkg_version -v, some programs are listed
> twice, like:
> autoconf-2.13.000227_5              =   up-to-date with port
> autoconf-2.53_1                     =   up-to-date with port
> glib-1.2.10_10                      =   up-to-date with port
> glib-2.2.3_1                        =   up-to-date with port
> libtool-1.3.5_1                     <   needs updating (port has 1.3.5_2)
> libtool-1.4.3_2                     <   needs updating (port has 1.4.3_3)
> libxml-1.8.17_1                     <   needs updating (port has 1.8.17_2)
> libxml2-2.6.8                       =   up-to-date with port

That's because you've got multiple versions of those ports installed
simultaneously.  Which is fine, for all of the examples you show, as
they are all designed to be able to do that.  In answer to your next
question: no, generally you cannot get rid of one of those versions
and have everything just use the other one -- the *reason* that there
are multiple versions in the ports tree is that they are there to
support various programs which have to use a newer or an older



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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