Can't start X... Please help!!!

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Tue Sep 23 14:43:45 PDT 2003

Enoch Chan wrote:

> Can you explain to me what's happening and how to solve it?

No...and Johnny Carson had cue cards when he played "Karnak,"
also... :P (/rimshot...)

> Also, I am a newbie... just giving me the shell script without 
> explanation can't help me at all :P

Hey, now, I didn't give you a shell script, I showed you the output
of the 'ls' command on my desktop box.  If you need to know
how to use 'ls', and 'grep', read the following paragraph; otherwise,
skip down to where it says "So, do...."  And, take a look at the
'man' command as well....

<pompous textbook mode>
In the following example, you see a shell prompt, some commands,
and their output.  The shell prompt ends at the first character of the
second line, a 'hash' or "#" sign.  In the shell, 'll' is aliased to "ls -l"
as is the standard on the C shell.  We told the shell to "ls -l" the 
of the /dev directory, and it did.  The pipe "|" sends the output
of the 'ls' command to 'grep', which looked for "io" in case one
and "kmem" in case two.  Did you check permissions on /dev/io
and /dev/kmem?  IIRC (you omitted your original post!) your problem
was a warning about 'kmem' and a fatal error involving 'io' ...

>     Check that your permissions are as follows:
>     [/] [8:49]
>     #ll /dev | grep io
>     crw------- 1 root wheel 2, 14 Sep 21 23:00 io
>     [/] [8:49]
>     #ll /dev | grep kmem
>     crw-r----- 1 root kmem 2, 1 Sep 21 23:00 kmem
>     crw-r----- 1 root kmem 2, 0 Sep 21 23:00 mem
So, do a "ll /dev | grep io" and a "ll /dev | grep kmem"
and check that your permissions are the same as those
shown.  If they are, then my idea wasn't much help after
all, and you should send your request back to the *list*,
including the statement "I checked the permissions on
/dev/io and /dev/kmem, and they seem normal," and perhaps
even "I read the handbook, and didn't find this issue addressed"
--- assuming, of course, that you take time to do so, and I
think that could only be wise.

>     Thanks!!!
>     Have a nice day!!! :D
>     Enoch
That remains to be seen, which is sad, considering
that it's almost 5 p.m. here ;).  FWIW, I do hope you
get your problem solved, and if that makes your
day nicer, so much the better. :-)


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