pop3 and socket 110

Gary Kline kline at thought.org
Sun Oct 26 17:23:37 PST 2003

	Trying to install a GUI MUA has me wedged ... and lost!!

	I've been trying to get the mozilla mail/news suite to 
	work for a long time--well, on and off!  I finally
	installed cucipop on NS1.THOUGHT.ORG and tried to start it.

	root at ns1:/usr/local/etc/rc.d#        /usr/local/libexec/cucipop -Y
	cucipop: Can't bind socket 110

	NS1 had a valid IP address; my two other systems are internal,
	private, invisible from the outside.  At any rate, after some
	pondering I altered the 'news and mail' configuration.  Voila;
	mail *is* sent out (in HTML).  But not received... (???)
	/var/mail/kline is my spool; mozilla can't see this for some

	evolution refuses to build because some of the GNOME libs
	won't upgrade.  (Of my 400 ports, just 11 seem broken.)
	Can anybody recommend a GUI mail program that doesn't have
	so many dependencies?

	1.) Do I really need pop3?  2.) How do I get the mozilla mail
	to recognize the mail in my spool dir? , and 3) What is a 
	decent MUA?

	thanks muchly,


   Gary Kline     kline at thought.org   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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