Postfix as localhost

Dead Line dead_line at
Sat Oct 25 14:07:23 PDT 2003

Hello everybody,

   I have FreeBSD 4.8-R, I installed postfix latest from /ports.
   The problem is this box has no domain, its just an fakeip 192.168.*

   Now, after I installed postfix and disabled sendmail, my openwebmail 
client start to say
   Unable to connect to SMTP server:25

   I tried the configuration in /postfix/   to ip or ip or localhost
   but all fail in my box and nothing works as SMTP!

     deadline - send message error - couldn't open SMTP server
     deadline - send message error - couldn't open SMTP server
     deadline - send message error - couldn't open SMTP server localhost:25

  Also when i try to telnet to my smtp seems no response and i dunt get a 
postfix welcome msg!

192# telnet localhost smtp
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

and it doesnot response to commands here!

  In the same time, postfix reload or check, reads no problem.

  Seems postfix cannot read a IP number as smtp server/port.
  anyone kindly has a solution for this?

  Thank you too much
  Marwan Sultan.

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