ELF Interpreter error message

Michael Dunham m.dunham at connectingteams.com
Sat Oct 4 10:25:38 PDT 2003

I am running FreeBSD-Current.  I decided to try openoffice 1.1.  I downloaded 
the package and it has installed ok.  I asked on the openoffice list and got 
the user setup command ( "openoffice-1.1" ) but when I issue the command as  
a user from the command line, I get the following response:

ELF interpreter /libexec/ld-elf.so.1 not found
Abort trap

This reponse repeats three times.  This seems to be a common problem but I 
don't see a specific fix anywhere.  I have seen that it may require a new 
make to the current cvs.  

Any suggestions of ways to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Make your Information your KnowlEDGE 
Michael L. Dunham 
Principal Consultant 
Connecting Teams 
2333 La Lima Way 
Sacramento, CA 95833 
Phone: 707-780-3019 
email: m.dunham at connectingteams.com 
webpage: http://www.connectingteams.com

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