login.conf and accents weirdness

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jb.quenot at caraldi.com
Sat Nov 1 03:17:49 PST 2003

* Joan Picanyol:

> I can't  see accents in mutt's  internal pager (even though  I can see
> them in  vim). I've read  iconv(), terminfo() and  the Internalization
> section in the Handbook among others, but I'm out of ideas.

* In console or in X11?
* If X11, what terminal emulator do you use?
* What shell do you use?
* What language and especially encoding has your mail?

I suggest  to set LC_CTYPE=es_ES.ISO8859-15  in your shell's  init file,
and don't  forget to  export that variable  (export with  [ba]sh, setenv
with [t]csh).

Also, please test with  more or less, not mutt, so it  will be easier to
find the solution.  Make a test  file with special characters not in the
7-bit range, and view it.

Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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