Your command, Day, 2001, was invalid

Server Administrator pks-admin at
Wed May 28 12:04:12 PDT 2003

Key server software written by Marc Horowitz <marc at>

For questions or comments regarding this key server site,
contact Server Administrator <pks-admin at>
Current version: 0.9.5


This service is provided to facilitate public-key cryptography for
demonstration and educational purposes.

It is the responsibility of users of public-key cryptography to ensure
that their activities conform to legal requirements.
-------------- next part --------------
  Croatian:  Za hrvatsku verziju ovoga teksta posaljite poruku koja ce u
             Subject imati "HELP HR" na adresu pgp-public-keys at
  Danish:    For at faa en dansk version af denne text skal du sende en
             e-mail med en subject-tekst: "HELP DK" til
             pgp-public-keys at eller slaa op paa URL
  English:   For an english version of this message, send an e-mail with a
             subject line of "HELP" to pgp-public-keys at, or
             access the URL
  Finnish:   Saadaksesi taman tekstin suomeksi, laheta osoitteeseen
             pgp-public-keys at tyhja viesti, jonka
             Subject-kentta on "HELP FI".
  French:    Pour une version fran?aise de ?e texte, envoyez un
             message au sujet de "HELP FR" ? pgp-public-keys at
  German:    F?r eine deutschsprachige Fassung dieses Textes senden Sie
             eine Mail mit dem Subject "HELP DE" an die folgende Adresse
             pgp-public-keys at oder URL:
  Norwegian: For aa faa dette dokumentet paa norsk, send "HELP NO" til
             pgp-public-keys at
  Spanish:   Para obtener una versi?n en castellano de este texto, env?e
             un mail a pgp-public-keys at con el "Subject"
             HELP ES

PGP Public Email Keyservers

There are PGP public email key servers which allow one to exchange 
public keys running using the Internet and UUCP mail systems.  Those 
capable of accessing the WWW might prefer to use the WWW interface 
available via and managers of 
sites which may want to make frequent lookups may care to copy the 
full keyring from the FTP server at

This service exists only to help transfer keys between PGP users. 
It does NOT attempt to guarantee that a key is a valid key; 
use the signatures on a key for that kind of security.

Each keyserver processes requests in the form of mail messages.
The commands for the server are entered on the Subject: line.
---------------------------------------------- ======== -----
Note that they should NOT be included in the body of the message.
--------------------- === ---------------------------------------

        To: pgp-public-keys at
        From: johndoe at
        Subject: help

Sending your key to ONE server is enough.  After it processes your 
key, it will forward your add request to other servers automagically.

For example, to add your key to the keyserver, or to update your key 
if it is already there, send a message similar to the following to any 

        To: pgp-public-keys at
        From: johndoe at
        Subject: add

        -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
        Version: 2.6

        <blah blah blah>
        -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

COMPROMISED KEYS:  Create a Key Revocation Certificate (read the PGP 
docs on how to do that) and mail your key to the server once again, 
with the ADD command.

Valid commands are:

Command                Result
---------------------- -------------------------------------------------
HELP                   Returns this message
HELP language          Localized help text (DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, HR, NO)
ADD                    Add PGP public key from the body of your message
INDEX userid           List all PGP keys containing the words in userid
VERBOSE INDEX userid   Verbose list of all keys containing userid
GET userid             Get the key(s) matching userid
LAST days              Get the keys updated in the last `days' days


Most keyservers have a limit on the number of keys they return in 
queries, in order not to swamp you with too many keys in case you 
made a typo (the full database at the keyservers exceeds 2GB).

If you *REALLY* need the whole index file or key ring, *PLEASE* 
ftp it from a key server such as `' 
or one of the national servers.

NOTE: PGP is extremely slow when operating on large keyrings. Adding
      the full ring of the keyserver to your own ring will take several
      *MONTHS* to complete.


Users should normally use the email address 
`pgp-public-keys at' or your national servers using one of:

	pgp-public-keys at
	pgp-public-keys at
	pgp-public-keys at
	pgp-public-keys at
	pgp-public-keys at
	pgp-public-keys at

for the email interface, `' for FTP, 
and `' for WWW access.

Users are recommended to use the "*" addresses above as 
these are stable and reliable.

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