Asian fonts in Emacs

Robert Storey y2kbug at
Thu May 15 19:01:53 PDT 2003

Hi All,

I'm running Emacs (under X) and need the ability to view/edit Chinese files.

I've done this in Linux many times - it works. In Debian, in order to see Chinese fonts, I have to install a package called xfonts-intl-chinese. I don't see a package with that name in the FreeBSD ports collection, but there is one called "intlfonts" and the description reads:

   Free X11 fonts for all characters that Emacs can handle

So I've installed it, but I still don't have the ability to read Chinese files.

Does anybody have an idea what I'm missing?

Also missing from Emacs are input methods. Not just for Chinese, but for any language (other than English). I'm baffled as to what I should install to handle that problem.


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