FreeBSD NIS Server + Linux NIS clients

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Thu Jul 24 10:50:20 PDT 2003

In the last episode (Jul 24), Alvaro Rosales R. said:
> Hi guys I've been trying to set up a Redhat 9 linux client to connect
> to my FreeBSD 4.8 NIS server, i can get ypcat passwd work but the
> logins with the accounts of the NIS server fail. Can you gimme any
> clues?.

Does "id nisuser" work?  If not, verify that you either:

A) have the following in /etc/nswitch.conf:

  passwd:     compat
  group:      compat

  and have the following somewhere in /etc/passwd:


or B) have the following in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

  passwd:     files nis
  group:      files nis

If "id nisuser" works, verify that the Linux client can access the
homedir and shell listed in the passwd entry for the user you're
testing.  I've got 13 Linux clients (RH 6.2->7.3 and two Debian)
talking to 2 FreeBSD NIS servers with both of the above methods.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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