yes! (Re: frustrating *dumb* problem getting php to work under apache)

tb tb at
Tue Aug 12 14:28:14 PDT 2003

markie at (Tue 08/12/03 at 10:01 PM +0100):

> As it sounds like you've done everything alright, could I suggest you try
> creating a page, for now index.php and inside putting the following

yeah, i was trying php scripts in .php files. i know, it
never hurts to ask...

> You'll want to do this with
> LoadModule php4_module        libexec/apache/
> AddModule mod_php4.c
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> In the apache configuration...

BINGO! in three out of three (actually, more like ten out of ten)
of my test config files, i had two out of three of those lines. 

i knew it was dumb mistake. otoh, i don't think i saw a single
FAQ that said 'HEY STUPID -- you need *three* new configs to 
get this to work. so now i know. i'll make a note of it in my
httpd.conf and put it up somewhere.

THANKS MUCH! you brightened up my day. ok, now what kind of 
beer should i attach? (just make sure you have the plug-in. :)


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