HDDs dividing rules

Peter Rosa prosa at pro.sk
Sat Aug 2 04:07:31 PDT 2003

Hi all,

please, could you explain for those of us, who are new to Unix,
are there some rules for partitioning of HDDs in accordance to
security needs ? I know, I can set nosuid+noexec on whole
partition (slice ?), I can mount something as read-only... 
It's everything fine, but what exactly should we do ?

Everywhere I looked, I found only words as "make your
own choice of partitioning schema" etc., but I think, there
must be some rules.
And what if I have an HW RAID controller. Are there some
difficulties or differences from "normal" dividing ?

Tell us, please, something like 
"Divide your HDD as follows:
1. create slices for /, /home, /etc ...... It's good because....
2. mount / as RO..............
3. mount /user as noexec+nosuid..........."

I think & hope these rules are well-known, but one must know
where to look for....
I also hope, this list could be such kind of brainstorming :-))

One of the best things on Unixes is they are opened.
But one of the worst thing on Unixes is they are opened
and it is not simple to get very clear information.
Sorry for the trying a philosophy here :-))

Best regards and many thanks.

Peter Rosa

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