Logging all messages but mail via syslog...
Dan Nelson
dnelson at allantgroup.com
Mon Apr 28 11:00:26 PDT 2003
In the last episode (Apr 28), Sean Chittenden said:
> I have a dedicated syslog machine that I use to collect syslog
> messages from all over the network. Instead of splitting up the log
> files manually, I'd like to have syslog do this for me. Right now I'm
> just using a normal *.* collection, but I'd like to filter out mail
> from everything else. I've tried every combination of:
> !=mail.*
> !=mail
> !mail
> !mail.*
> !-mail
> !-mail.*
> With *.* before and after using either ; or , to separate the two.
> This has to be possible... but what's the syntax? Is this just a case
> of ENOSLEEP and I'm missing it someplace in the man page? -sc
*.*;mail.none /path/to/logfile
"mail" is a facility name, not a program name.
Dan Nelson
dnelson at allantgroup.com
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