Problems setting up dual-boot

Adam blueeskimo at
Fri Apr 25 14:01:27 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-04-25 at 16:07, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> Root needs to be the 'a' partition (maybe not absolutely, but everything
> seems to assume it is).  

Yeah, this is the conclusion I'm arriving at as well. I think I'm going
to try reinstalling FreeBSD and completely redo the partitions.

> Sounds like you need to study the man pages for FreeBSD's fdisk and
> disklabel carefully along with the handbook.

No doubt .. I've been through page after page of tutorials on how to do
this .. The problem is that the terminology is a bit foreign to me, so I
continuously get sidetracked just trying to figure out what the words

In your experience, is it OK to have dual-boot set up across different
physical disks? LILO was perfectly happy with this setup, but I really
wasn't happy with Linux. Maybe the FreeBSD boot manager simply does not
like switching between disks? 

Adam <blueeskimo at>
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