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Joel Rees joel at
Tue Apr 15 20:12:07 PDT 2003

> Okay, I'm sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't do this.

Breaking a promise to yourself is a good way to weaken your moral

> But after thumbing 
> through 165 e-mails this morning, most from this discussion group, I got a 
> little tired of reading these. So, I figured I'd just throw in my two cents. 
> I'm pagan. I'm proud to be pagan. I'm ordained non-denom pagan. On behalf of 
> all the heathens out there using FBSD, I'd like to say... we like the daemon. 
> Not because of any ocultist reitualistic 'I wanna go sacrifice a goat' BS, 
> but because for once, a major contribution to the computing world is using 
> something from our history correctly. Daemons were around long before 
> Christianity.

Many Christians would disagree with that.

> They weren't bad then, they aren't bad now. Just my two cents.

No argument with that. Wouldn't really want a "demon" (in the sense of
"evil spirit") in my computer, but "daemons" are no problem.

Shoot, MSWindows has daemons, too. Microsoft just calls them something

Joel Rees <joel at>

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