what installation files I need to put on a Floppy Disk!

E. J. Cerejo ej.cerejo at laposte.net
Fri Apr 11 07:14:19 PDT 2003

There is no installation from floppies, you can start the installation 
with two floppies but you still need to put the files in some kind of 
medium like a DOS partition or install directly from a freebsd server 
using ftp or http, this can be done pretty easily if you have broadband.
To make these two floppies download these 3 files:
Put them all in the same folder then bring up the dos prompt and cd into 
that directory, put an empty floppy in your floppy drive and type:
fdimage kern.flp a:
then put another floppy and run
fdimage mfsroot.flp a:
boot with floppy that has the kern.flp image first later it will ask you 
for the second one.  When you get to the section asking you where to 
install FBSD from then you can choose from, ftp or http is one of the 
choices you can choose, and follow the directions from there on.

dennis saxton wrote:
> I'm have problems finding the installation files for Free Bsd Ftp Server. I want to put the installation files on the floppy disk, because my cdrom drive is damaged. I have a 300 Mhz processor, 64 mb ram of memory, 6.4 Gb Hard Drive! Please can you give me a link were the chunks of installation files for the floppy disk! Thanks
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