solved Re: FreeBSD 5.0 kernel SMP

Milton Taidi Sonoda msonoda at
Thu Apr 10 07:23:58 PDT 2003

This problem was solved.
Some kind of angel whispered to me to
reinstall the /usr/src/sys directory of the FreeBSD 5.0, and
retry the "tradicional" procedure to recompile the kernel.
I don't know why, but it worked out.

Taxman, thank you for your sugestion.
I've included the two devices.

Thank you all listers

[ ]'s
Milton Taidi Sonoda

taxman wrote:

>On Wednesday 09 April 2003 03:11 pm, Milton Taidi Sonoda wrote:
>>Hi all
>>I've tryed to recompile a kernel suitable to
>>a double processor machine.
>>I've done exactly what is writen in the
>>chapter 9 of the handbook, using the
>>"traditional" way.
>>The "config" and "make depend" commands steps
>>were fine. However the "make" didn't work.
>>Do you have any sugestions how to proceed?
>Try the new way.  That doesn't happen to be your problem, however.
>also see:
>on top of that, you've taken out 
>>#device		scbus		# SCSI bus (required)
>>#device		da		# Direct Access (disks)
>which I are both required if you include USB items.  You've got to read 
>carefully and not comment anything out of your config file that you don't 
>understand.  Or if you want to experiment, take it out, keep track of it, and 
>if it breaks put it back in.  Thats basic

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