VNC and blackbox

E. J. Cerejo edinho64 at
Thu Apr 3 11:09:23 PST 2003

> I've got VNC running with blackbox.  Is there any useful info in the
> vncserer logfile - probably located at ~/.vnc/<something>.log.
> Basically, I set up a special user under which to launch the VNC server,
> so that I can effectively restrict any VNC usage to that which I have
> explicitly setup for the special VNC user.  In my case, I just created a
> user called 'vncuser'.  All the necessary files are at
> "/home/vncuser/.vnc".  Namely, the file "xstartup" - make sure that this
> file is executable by the user running VNC.
> Nathan

I've tried with blackbox, enlightment and KDE and I still get twm. How 
does your xstartup file look like?

I'm substituting the phrase "twm &" with "blackbox &" or any other wm 
that I tried.  Is this what I should do?

Here's what my log file says:

03/04/03 13:54:23 Xvnc version 3.3.6 - built Mar 31 2003 13:58:35
03/04/03 13:54:23 Copyright (C) 2002 RealVNC Ltd.
03/04/03 13:54:23 Copyright (C) 1994-2000 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
03/04/03 13:54:23 All Rights Reserved.
03/04/03 13:54:23 See for information on VNC
03/04/03 13:54:23 Desktop name 'X' (ecerejo.Belkin:1)
03/04/03 13:54:23 Protocol version supported 3.3
03/04/03 13:54:23 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5901
03/04/03 13:54:23 Listening for HTTP connections on TCP port 5801
03/04/03 13:54:23   URL http://ecerejo.Belkin:5801

03/04/03 13:56:32 Got connection from client
03/04/03 13:56:32 Protocol version 3.3
03/04/03 13:56:37 Pixel format for client
03/04/03 13:56:37   8 bpp, depth 8
03/04/03 13:56:37   true colour: max r 7 g 7 b 3, shift r 0 g 3 b 6
03/04/03 13:56:37 Using ZRLE encoding for client
03/04/03 13:56:47 Client gone
03/04/03 13:56:47 Statistics:
03/04/03 13:56:47   key events received 0, pointer events 260
03/04/03 13:56:47   framebuffer updates 265, rectangles 641, bytes 20026
03/04/03 13:56:47     ZRLE rectangles 641, bytes 20026
03/04/03 13:56:47   raw bytes equivalent 903848, compression ratio 45.133726

03/04/03 14:00:02 Got connection from client
03/04/03 14:00:02 Protocol version 3.3
03/04/03 14:00:08 Pixel format for client
03/04/03 14:00:08   8 bpp, depth 8
03/04/03 14:00:08   true colour: max r 7 g 7 b 3, shift r 0 g 3 b 6
03/04/03 14:00:08 Using ZRLE encoding for client
03/04/03 14:00:12 Pixel format for client
03/04/03 14:00:12   16 bpp, depth 16, little endian
03/04/03 14:00:12   true colour: max r 31 g 63 b 31, shift r 11 g 5 b 0
03/04/03 14:00:12 no translation needed
03/04/03 14:00:12 Using hextile encoding for client
03/04/03 14:00:42 Client gone
03/04/03 14:00:42 Statistics:
03/04/03 14:00:42   key events received 14, pointer events 750
03/04/03 14:00:42   framebuffer updates 750, rectangles 8139, bytes 355408
03/04/03 14:00:42     copyRect rectangles 47, bytes 752
03/04/03 14:00:42     hextile rectangles 6459, bytes 311388
03/04/03 14:00:42     ZRLE rectangles 1633, bytes 43268
03/04/03 14:00:42   raw bytes equivalent 5467144, compression ratio 

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