Which Processor and motherboard is better (new to FreeBSD)

Paredes Sánchez Martín A. MPAREDES at telmex.com
Tue Apr 1 07:10:53 PST 2003

I found in the intel web site that the Hyper-Threading has this

Hyper-Threading Technology requires a computer system with an
Intel Pentium 4 processor at 3.06 GHz or higher, a chipset and BIOS
that utilize this technology, and an operating system that includes
optimizations for this technology.

By the way, what is PAE?


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	David Landgren [SMTP:david at landgren.net]
	Sent:	Tuesday, April 01, 2003 5:41 AM
	To:	BSD.
	Subject:	Re: Which Processor and motherboard is better
(new to FreeBSD)

	Paredes Sánchez Martín A. wrote:
	> Hi:
	> I want to build a new PC with FreeBSD, which processor
	> is best for FreeBSD.
	> Intel builds processors and motherboards, which gave me
	> a feel of good performance between this two elements.
	> Intel has something called Hyper-Threading Technology,
	> Which turbo charges your PC to respond to today's
	> multitasking lifestyle.

	4.7 knows about hyper-threading, insofar as the kernel config
	admits an 'HTT' option. As to whether it's better or not to have
it, I 
	can't really say. 2.4GHz is so ridiculously fast (kernel
compiles in 
	less than two minutes, postfix in less than a minute)... I
suspect it 
	will be difficult to detect the difference between with/without
	everyday use.

	I'm building a new mail relay, and it turns out the machine was 
	specified as RAID-5. I suspect that that is going to have a much
	adverse impact on performance than HTT or not.

	As to "responding to today's multitasking lifestyle", I sooner
see PAE 
	implemented in the kernel, to unlock the memory I have above


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