Conflicts between py37-pygments and ipython5

Thierry Thomas thierry at
Fri Sep 25 07:39:01 UTC 2020

Le jeu. 24 sept. 20 à 20:54:57 +0200, Steve Wills <swills at>
 écrivait :


> I saw a similar thing with devel/py-jira with the SHELL option enabled. 
> I disabled it locally, but I think perhaps devel/nbconvert should use 
> textproc/pygments-25?

Thanks, this is a good idea, and it would fix the problem ATM.

But meanwhile I´m working on Sage´s next upgrade (ATM this is
sage-9.2.beta9), and this one depends on recent versions (devel/ipython,
etc.), and making devel/py-nbconvert would break Sage 9.2, to be
released RSN.

Is there a way to make these ports cohabit without conflicts?
Th. Thomas.

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