Kernel stuck at mountroot waiting for /dev/ada0s3

Mark Millard marklmi at
Wed Feb 5 22:18:01 UTC 2020

On 2020-Feb-5, at 13:04, Francis Little <oggy at> wrote:

> Built kernels from r357567 and r357590, on my G5, both will not boot, they
> hang at:
> mountroot waiting for device /dev/ada0s3
> Booting my previous known good kernel at r357322 all is ok.
> Anyone else get this issue?

My powerpc64 PowerMac context (ufs) is at -r357529 and that
booted okay:

# uname -apKU
FreeBSD FBSDG5L2 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #13 r357529M: Tue Feb  4 13:03:36 PST 2020     markmi at FBSDFHUGE:/usr/obj/powerpc64vtsc_clang/powerpc.powerpc64/usr/src/powerpc.powerpc64/sys/GENERIC64vtsc-NODBG  powerpc powerpc64 1300077 1300077

(But it is my personal build as well.) May be that
gives you a better place to start exploring from.

As far as kernel testing goes, you can download the
likes of ( using an example between -r537529 and
-r537567 ):

and then use commands something like (for example):

# mv /boot/kernel /boot/kerprv #?
# tar xpf PATH-TO/kernel.txz -C /
# tar xpf PATH-TO/kernel-dbg.txz -C /
# #Other things before rebooting?
# shutdown -r now

(You may want to expand someplace else than to / directly
first and then later "cp -aRx" or some such. Avoid taking
the above as any any strong indication of exploratory-update

Only some of the potential*/powerpc/powerpc64/

will exist. Not every version has a build tried and
(usually less often) it could be that one that was tried
failed to build.

Still, using those that do exist is a lot faster then
rebuilding explicitly and usually allows getting to a
fairly narrow range. Plus there are debug builds that
may give better clues, both via more explicit messages
and via noting that various messages were not produced.

I sometimes use such to compare/contrast my non-debug builds with
artifact debug builds. If both have oddities in some way when I
do this, I report the build's oddity, avoiding the
issue of my somewhat patched context.

(Sometimes there can be the issue of an installed world
being too new or too old for the test-kernel relative to the
activity that would be involved in testing. I have separate
media just for installing only materials for such

It would probably be some time before I could explore
beyond the -r357529 now present in my context.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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