ln -s python3 python2 && ln -s python37 python27?

LuKreme kremels at kreme.com
Sat Aug 8 06:13:28 UTC 2020

On Aug 7, 2020, at 21:04, Chris <portmaster at bsdforge.com> wrote:
> Can I simply avoid all this BS by deleting python2.7 and family,
> and simply link all references to python3.7. This is quite maddening.

Aren’t the python versions pretty different? I wouldn’t expect a big project with dependencies  written for python2 to just work with python3/37.

I mean, if that where the case the project would have supported puthon3 and python 27, right?

When this kiss is over it will start again But not be any different
could be exactly the same It's hard to imagine that nothing at
all Could be so exciting, could be this much fun

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